User-agent: * # Note: In its current form, this sample robots.txt makes the site # accessible to all the crawler bots (specified as "User-agent: *") # It further instructs the bots to access and index the dataverse and dataset pages; # it also tells them to stay away from all other pages (the "Disallow: /" line); # and also not to follow any search links on a dataverse page. # It is possible to specify different access rules for different bots. # For example, if you only want to make the site accessed by Googlebot, but # keep all the other bots away, un-comment out the following two lines: Allow: /$ Allow: /dataset.xhtml Allow: /dataverse/ Allow: /sitemap/ # added 2021/09/29/jmj see above note Allow: /api/datasets/:persistentId/thumbnail # The following lines are for the facebook, twitter and linkedin preview bots: Allow: /api/datasets/:persistentId/thumbnail Allow: /javax.faces.resource/images/ # Comment out the following TWO lines if you DON'T MIND the bots crawling the search API links on dataverse pages: Disallow: /dataverse/*?q Disallow: /dataverse/*/search Disallow: / # Crawl-delay specification *may* be honored by *some* bots. # It is *definitely* ignored by Googlebot (they never promise to # recognize it either - it's never mentioned in their documentation) Crawl-delay: 20 # 2021/09/29jmj add the sitemap line below for Google Dataset Search sitemap: