Data and analyses associated with early farming communities on the Colorado Plateau
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OxCal code associated with the kernel density estimation model that includes 343 radiocarbon measurements presented in Sinensky et al. (2022) Figures 5 and S2. We ran the model in September of 2020 in OxCal v.4.4.2 using the IntCal20 calibration curve.
Replication data and code associated with: Volcanic climate forcing, extreme cold and the Neolithic Transition in the northern US Southwest logo
Aug 9, 2021
Reproduction of figures and analyses presented in: Sinensky, R.J., G. Schachner, R.H. Wilshusen, and B.N. Damiata. 2022. Volcanic climate forcing, extreme cold and the Neolithic Transition in the northern US Southwest. Antiquity 96 (385). DOI:
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