The statue-stelae of Early Iron Age Daunia (north Apulia, Italy), a group of stone slabs, are each incised to represent the garb and accoutrements of a person. They detail the clothing and adornment worn by men and women in full regalia, plus, through additional figurative images drawn on the robes, show ritual practices, everyday activities, and scenes of local legend. As such, they offer an unparalleled window into the lives of a proto-historic people, providing a rich source of self-representation for what is otherwise a fairly poorly understood society. Grounded in the scholarship of post-colonial and gender archaeology, this book pays full respect to the agency of indigenous communities and the important role of women. It considers the stelae not through a Hellenic lens, but in the Italo-Adriatic context to which they belong. This is the first time an in-depth, holistic study of the Daunian stelae has been undertaken, and the first presentation of the material in English.
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Jul 8, 2024 - Stelae data
TIFF Image - 1.1 MB - MD5: d32fc5bbdce56960d75531c266db31f1
Jul 8, 2024 - Stelae data
TIFF Image - 1.1 MB - MD5: ab57391ca4beea03ed2e0ccafaf3d8d2
Jul 8, 2024 - Stelae data
TIFF Image - 870.4 KB - MD5: f2ffbd1778a3f8fb2abdcfc44bcef92e
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