61 to 70 of 158 Results
Nov 22, 2021 - Tangatatau Rockshelter Dataverse
Kirch, Patrick V., 2021, "Grid, Level, Zones concordance", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/VBGULU, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:ISzRfgy0DC1lGB5f7Ip7hQ== [fileUNF]
Concordance of grid units, levels, and zones/features at Tangatatau Rockshelter (site MAN-44). |
Nov 22, 2021 - Tangatatau Rockshelter Dataverse
Kirch, Patrick V., 2021, "Feature Data", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/BSQ8W7, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:YThSp7MYvX4nnvddhvZCeA== [fileUNF]
Database of features excavated at Tangatatau Rockshelter (site MAN-44), 1989 and 1991, Patrick V. Kirch. Zone: Stratigraphically equivalent zone in the site Harris Matrix CF: Combustion feature FAR: Fire altered rock |
Nov 17, 2021 - Early Athens Dataverse
Dimitriadou, Eirini M., 2021, "Submycenaean Period", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/VAIJTU, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Map of Submycenaean Period |
Nov 17, 2021 - Early Athens Dataverse
Dimitriadou, Eirini M., 2021, "Submycenaean Period and Distance of the Old and New Cemeteries from the Acropolis", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/9P0FNF, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Map of Submycenaean Period and Distance of the Old and New Cemeteries from the Acropolis |
Nov 17, 2021 - Early Athens Dataverse
Dimitriadou, Eirini M., 2021, "Submycenaean and Protogeometric Periods", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/QLYFZO, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Map of Submycenaean and Protogeometric Periods |
Nov 17, 2021 - Early Athens Dataverse
Dimitriadou, Eirini M., 2021, "Submycenaean, Protogeometric, Early/Middle Geometric, and Late Geometric Periods", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/1WMHC9, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Map of Submycenaean, Protogeometric, Early/Middle Geometric, and Late Geometric Periods |
Nov 17, 2021 - Early Athens Dataverse
Dimitriadou, Eirini M., 2021, "Submycenaean, Protogeometric, Early/Middle Geometric, Late Geometric, and Archaic Periods", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/IAEICJ, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Map of Submycenaean, Protogeometric, Early/Middle Geometric, Late Geometric, and Archaic Periods |
Nov 17, 2021 - Early Athens Dataverse
Dimitriadou, Eirini M., 2021, "Geometric Period", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/TYVJZH, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Map of Geometric Period |
Nov 17, 2021 - Early Athens Dataverse
Dimitriadou, Eirini M., 2021, "Protogeometric Period", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/6UO4WU, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Map of Protogeometric Period |
Nov 17, 2021 - Early Athens Dataverse
Dimitriadou, Eirini M., 2021, "Early/Middle Geometric Period", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/LLBSD6, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Map of Early/Middle Geometric Period |