6,161 to 6,170 of 6,191 Results
Sep 20, 2021 -
Table S12.4. Frequency percentages of grain types in Type F pyroxene-bearing hornblendic-feldspathic tempers
Tabular Data - 200 B - 8 Variables, 6 Observations - UNF:6:m4MoO6QvslmW32NhIlLkYQ==
Tabular Data - 340 B - 8 Variables, 9 Observations - UNF:6:3wEYcrrRl14Lb0hnudr0hQ==
Sep 20, 2021 -
Table S12.6. Frequency percentages of grain types in Type H hybrid non-placer tempers
Tabular Data - 73 B - 8 Variables, 2 Observations - UNF:6:TDdhtL2KH9V6oejh8n3YqQ==
Sep 20, 2021 -
Table S12.7. Frequency percentages of grain types in Type J quartzose-feldspathic tempers
Tabular Data - 68 B - 8 Variables, 2 Observations - UNF:6:DShEYKOlcScsdOL5AsZyaA==
Sep 20, 2021 -
Table S12.8. Frequency percentages of grain types in Type K feldspathic-pyroxenic temper
Tabular Data - 190 B - 6 Variables, 5 Observations - UNF:6:1HC5cqdyld61ovwBYrA4ug==
Tabular Data - 6.9 KB - 9 Variables, 157 Observations - UNF:6:ighUEtltFA7+l0h95JQu3w==
Tabular Data - 579 B - 3 Variables, 24 Observations - UNF:6:HBydrVHL5uK0iozGhGIF+g==
Tabular Data - 974.4 KB - 10 Variables, 12119 Observations - UNF:6:tzV4gXswr4VO/pxHuESSyQ==
Sep 20, 2021 -
Mussau Fishbone Database, Chapter 7 supplementary material
Tabular Data - 468.9 KB - 18 Variables, 4218 Observations - UNF:6:7yfGLNUvTDA/qIkvEvP6XQ==
Tabular Data - 7.3 KB - 5 Variables, 106 Observations - UNF:6:55Mw1pALjEbR5/Q1MlhTvA==