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111 to 120 of 158 Results
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Gimbutas, Marija; Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Report on 1980 Research of 1979 Excavation of Grotta Scaloria at Manfredonia, Southeast Italy", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/7JSO1V, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Preliminary report on the 1979 excavations at Grotta Scaloria.
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Gimbutas, Marija; Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "The Scaloria Cave", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/Q05CCQ, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Brief overview of the cave, excavation, and findings.
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Gimbutas, Marija; Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Extracts Regarding Scaloria from "The Language of the Goddess" and "Civilization of the Goddess"", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/FHJGQQ, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Texts from two publications (1989 and 1991) related to the findings at Grotta Scaloria.
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Isetti, Eugenia; Traverso, Antonella; Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Interviews with Santo Tiné, Luigi Coppolecchia, Giulio Perotti, and Sergio Duda", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/SB6KFF, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Interviews with Santo Tinè, Luigi Coppolecchia, Giulio Perotti and Sergio Duda Scaloria Cave: Between Scientific Research and Speleological Adventure by Eugenia Isetti and Antonella Traverso
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Davanzo, Enrico; Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Letter from Enrico Davanzo to Santo Tiné", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/3FWDWE, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Handwritten correspondence from Enrico Davanzo to Santo Tiné concerning the drawing of a floor plan for Grotta Scaloria.
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Daybook 1979", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/88MACV, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Sample handwritten daybook from Trench 10.
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Portfolio catalogue", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/NQTK6L, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:3Iej9Y+3MRePPoXwDHQt6g== [fileUNF]
Catalog of images
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Field Catalogue: 1979 excavation season", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/QBBRDP, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:A+N4mDr+aEnhfXQs301Qpw== [fileUNF]
Excavation catalog for the 1979 field season at Grotta Scaloria
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Raw data from the 1980 lithic study", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/OICJBJ, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:IRgfFtEJdoBzE/F03Iy6HQ== [fileUNF]
Raw data from the 1980 lithic study
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Prehistoric Animal Remains from Grotta Scaloria- Raw Data", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/CWQ5ET, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:GHIasPXOHtvwj+FqjA0asg== [fileUNF]
Raw data of animal remains from Grotta Scaloria exavation
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