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6,341 to 6,349 of 6,349 Results
Tabular Data - 836 B - 8 Variables, 27 Observations - UNF:6:+U2O3WrmssKJpA8z5KZ08w==
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G.; Demattè, Paola, 2021, "Data Record 11.1 - Disk-Shaped Beads", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/QU8FG5, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:TmEIQvOfhjO20S6ygaSH7g== [fileUNF]
Disk shaped beads recovered from Paso de la Amada
Tabular Data - 2.8 KB - 10 Variables, 42 Observations - UNF:6:TmEIQvOfhjO20S6ygaSH7g==
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data Record 4.1 - Units and Lots of Large Refuse Features in Mound 12 with Comments on Noteworthy Finds", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/N4W2WY, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:g+U1uJGXJaLvhbDBJtNkKQ== [fileUNF]
Units and lots of large refuse features from Mound 12, includes comments on noteworthy finds.
Tabular Data - 1.8 KB - 6 Variables, 29 Observations - UNF:6:g+U1uJGXJaLvhbDBJtNkKQ==
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G.; Blake, Michael, 2021, "Data Record 2.2 - Lumped Refuse Samples by Phase", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/BZCNZ7, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:JdxlAfCLAG2WowKqLTrQRQ== [fileUNF]
In this table the total sample of sherds recovered is broken down according to level of analysis. At levels below A, the full dataset is larger than the value listed because it includes also the levels above. For example, the full Level C dataset includes 42,140 rims (= 8,962 + 9...
Tabular Data - 4.1 KB - 6 Variables, 68 Observations - UNF:6:JdxlAfCLAG2WowKqLTrQRQ==
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G.; Blake, Michael, 2021, "Data Record 2.1 - Initial Refuse Samples with Associated Information", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/IOQWOX, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:3Q6zd7oJ1nR9plArV13DHQ== [fileUNF]
Analyzable spreadsheet with the slightly pruned set of Initial Refuse Samples used in analyses, particularly for Chapters 19 and 25.
Tabular Data - 63.5 KB - 112 Variables, 209 Observations - UNF:6:3Q6zd7oJ1nR9plArV13DHQ==
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