6,341 to 6,350 of 6,360 Results
Mar 10, 2021 -
Data Record 15.3 - Fishhooks
Tabular Data - 1.6 KB - 14 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:quQBBIFEr9eT8Zef13mB3A==
Mar 10, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Wake, Thomas A.; Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data Record 15.2 - Pins and Awls", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/JYGXZI, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:ITPDQlOZlUBYJLNQTOdG3g== [fileUNF]
Object data for pins and awls from Paso de la Amada. |
Mar 10, 2021 -
Data Record 15.2 - Pins and Awls
Tabular Data - 3.8 KB - 9 Variables, 44 Observations - UNF:6:ITPDQlOZlUBYJLNQTOdG3g==
Mar 10, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G.; Wake, Thomas A., 2021, "Data Record 15.1 - Bone Needles", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/38YEKN, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:FOSNx846oeoCbj0kDvFZnA== [fileUNF]
Object data for bone needles from Paso de la Amada. |
Mar 10, 2021 -
Data Record 15.1 - Bone Needles
Tabular Data - 1.3 KB - 10 Variables, 16 Observations - UNF:6:FOSNx846oeoCbj0kDvFZnA==
Mar 10, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Wake, Thomas A.; Bishop, Katelyn J.; Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data Record 14.3 - Birds at Paso de la Amada Classified as Arboreal, Ground, Wading, and Swimming", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/EKGCOC, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:esuca1MdGtYCTASYouMjVg== [fileUNF]
Reference collection of birds at Paso de la Amada. |
Mar 10, 2021 -
Data Record 14.3 - Birds at Paso de la Amada Classified as Arboreal, Ground, Wading, and Swimming
Tabular Data - 3.3 KB - 4 Variables, 55 Observations - UNF:6:esuca1MdGtYCTASYouMjVg==
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Wake, Thomas A.; Bishop, Katelyn J.; Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data Record 14.2 - Distribution of Eleotridae (sleepers) Cranial, Near-Cranial, and Postcranial Elements in the Paso de la Amada Assemblage", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/OOUCAQ, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:SSZg69/MxgYNcf320zJ4QA== [fileUNF]
Table of Eleotridae (sleepers) faunal bones from Paso de la Amada. Asterisks in table described below: *Near cranial bones probably would have been removed with cranial bones if head was separated from body in processing. **Average of the number of vertebrae between all Eleotrida... |
Tabular Data - 2.3 KB - 8 Variables, 42 Observations - UNF:6:SSZg69/MxgYNcf320zJ4QA==
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data record 12.1 - Pebble Polishers and Smoothers", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/F24EJT, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:+U2O3WrmssKJpA8z5KZ08w== [fileUNF]
Expected counts are calculated in the same way as described for Table 12.3. Not included here is the pecking-polishing stone listed in Table 12.4. |