This catalog accompanies an international exhibition, "First Kings of Europe," and another volume, First Kings of Europe: From Farmers to Rulers in Prehistoric Southeastern Europe, that examine the artifacts and cultures of this area from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. Over several millennia, early agricultural villages gave rise to tribal kingdoms and monarchies, replacing smaller, more egalitarian social structures with complex state organizations led by royal individuals invested with power. Several hundred objects and artifacts in the exhibition are portrayed in the catalog, accompanied by introductory text and detailed entries for each item. The spectacular and highly detailed color photographs introduce us to the gold and silver ornaments, bronze and iron weaponry, rich metal hoards and magnificent ceremonial vessels that are masterpieces from this period of history. Many of them have never left their countries of origin, making this exhibition and the two volumes documenting it an opportunity not to miss. First Kings of Europe Exhibition Venues Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, New York, NY, USA -- September 21, 2022 through February 19, 2023 Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL, USA -- March 31, 2023 through January 28, 2024 Canadian Museum of History, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada -- April 4, 2024 through January 19, 2025
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Mar 17, 2023
Gyucha, Attila; Parkinson, William A., 2023, "Stag appliqué - Catalog No. 100",, UCLA Dataverse, V1
This golden appliqué came from the burial mound of a member of the Iron Age elite of the eastern Carpathian Basin. In terms of style and design, the best analogies for the object are from the tombs of Scythian rulers recovered beneath large burial mounds in the Pontic steppe and...
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