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May 2, 2021
Fossum, Jessica; Farook, Anjum; Lamarque-Navarrete, Kat; Polad, Valerie; Yang, Nickie; Montoya, Amanda, 2021, "Moderated Mediation Article Database", https://doi.org/10.25346/S6/7UTGQH, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:27nDwE0WZ9rMejWgCJCcUQ== [fileUNF]
https://www.jlfossum.com/home/moderated-mediation-article-database The purpose of this database is to make examples of published scientific journal articles that use particular moderated mediation models easier to find. You can search by any of the dropdown menus at the top of th... |
May 2, 2021 -
Moderated Mediation Article Database
Tabular Data - 183.9 KB - 27 Variables, 462 Observations - UNF:6:27nDwE0WZ9rMejWgCJCcUQ==