This material represents the research of Dr. David Delgado Shorter, who worked with the Yoeme (Yaqui) people of northwest Mexico and southern U.S. primarily from 1992 to 2013.
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Photoshop Image - 19.1 KB - MD5: 8e53b01548e31ddcdb7b788c20cdc47e
Photoshop Image - 18.0 KB - MD5: 721bcfe958b07135ab4dc68849cd35c1
Photoshop Image - 25.0 KB - MD5: 7a8dcd2f2a68b3e065579a6b324fdaaf
Photoshop Image - 17.6 KB - MD5: bdc78a246a01b5f9087ad6a64a9262ff
Photoshop Image - 34.9 KB - MD5: 02830982cfd37776e2bc066f2e033931
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