This material represents the research of Dr. David Delgado Shorter, who worked with the Yoeme (Yaqui) people of northwest Mexico and southern U.S. primarily from 1992 to 2013.
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JPEG Image - 217.3 KB - MD5: ffd12caae443ef07a4a228789309cf43
JPEG Image - 118.1 KB - MD5: 8cca96b394a78fd73932922f7b717290
JPEG Image - 106.8 KB - MD5: 89aac82b7d74d9e099faf6488b5021af
JPEG Image - 743.5 KB - MD5: 00c0e3ac203821d9da7fc2f32e5d0f98
JPEG Image - 107.3 KB - MD5: 7cd9f7fd2c2a9abe772fc0dd8c4ca751
JPEG Image - 121.5 KB - MD5: 6d66cb40cc690bbed12f7b54546f9e26
JPEG Image - 71.0 KB - MD5: 61df5b146f488d66178d83eb7f8b7cb8
JPEG Image - 98.2 KB - MD5: 3bf70368a7223e2153cae9f6620c6e41
JPEG Image - 104.2 KB - MD5: 0dfa0ee14f18b5cdf365b2a3b8d1cb68
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