This material represents the research of Dr. David Delgado Shorter, who worked with the Yoeme (Yaqui) people of northwest Mexico and southern U.S. primarily from 1992 to 2013.
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JPEG Image - 74.5 KB - MD5: d774b53502473e9eae5f6e03df5728fc
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JPEG Image - 152.3 KB - MD5: 1928d4b0d7271edcd1e11304a24c23ef
JPEG Image - 140.7 KB - MD5: 0c5c86593a9051b940a91ead5204594b
JPEG Image - 136.4 KB - MD5: 2d9b38151f86bf07bbc31b84e15fa8b6
JPEG Image - 111.5 KB - MD5: 47ae0373f54fcd2ce2b4d110112a38ef
JPEG Image - 51.1 KB - MD5: a58a27a9ef4dfbe64432a675457a45c2
JPEG Image - 76.3 KB - MD5: 2b8b74af5dd61281d1edf45f5436f747
JPEG Image - 92.8 KB - MD5: bcb7ea6fc6710efa451ecd32eea34732
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