This material represents the research of Dr. David Delgado Shorter, who worked with the Yoeme (Yaqui) people of northwest Mexico and southern U.S. primarily from 1992 to 2013.
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JPEG Image - 79.7 KB - MD5: 98c16ae8dd64b155728dddf5d11ce973
JPEG Image - 46.2 KB - MD5: 6677cc90a1f8ba55fd31b5905ef19aca
JPEG Image - 61.3 KB - MD5: 3f264bb772db4e3de4c0ef7ce7e1a788
JPEG Image - 74.4 KB - MD5: 9d8176757a698e96e4aff1a218ab5579
JPEG Image - 122.2 KB - MD5: 9d7bbcb4822290659d959ee1c73d82e9
JPEG Image - 56.9 KB - MD5: 9e4dd58f25452365219bb3feabef0b26
JPEG Image - 78.5 KB - MD5: 3bdb025ebfba603257bad20070bec86c
JPEG Image - 75.9 KB - MD5: ccc17a7aeb4f3f35eda7ab43ad5ae70f
JPEG Image - 69.3 KB - MD5: 0b3896b337ab4b9baad5b64a1f5062b5
JPEG Image - 67.8 KB - MD5: c0866047edbccd0f60b727f507e94cd8
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