This material represents the research of Dr. David Delgado Shorter, who worked with the Yoeme (Yaqui) people of northwest Mexico and southern U.S. primarily from 1992 to 2013.
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JPEG Image - 80.6 KB - MD5: 844980f5df635430fc5ad86d4607ae10
JPEG Image - 82.1 KB - MD5: e80bf3f68019bdfc2e6da3ea95f2fe37
JPEG Image - 77.5 KB - MD5: 5445fb95d717b39f8f7306780b3ad1ad
JPEG Image - 173.8 KB - MD5: cab27973bfda7d86f721bff3eb8fa912
JPEG Image - 188.3 KB - MD5: fe3f195e27ad395d411573b89cb0e364
JPEG Image - 80.2 KB - MD5: ff6898316eb2e72e79062748b94c109f
JPEG Image - 60.2 KB - MD5: 50fd30492bd41ba0027c39316039db61
JPEG Image - 87.8 KB - MD5: bb4d3209a40fc46aa58b475a8d50abd3
JPEG Image - 81.0 KB - MD5: 9a6758fc03aee229ca5563b57325d7b1
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