121 to 130 of 1,016 Results
Apr 13, 2020
Field Research Corporation, 2022, "California Poll: 2012-001 -- February 2012", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/9YKW9S, University of California, Berkeley. UC Data Archive and Technical Assistance. (UCDATA), University of California, Berkeley
The Field Poll, established in 1945 as The California Poll by Mervin Field, has operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service. Each year the Field Polls cover a wide range of political and social topics examining California pub...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
Frank G. Bolton Jr., 1985, "Maricopa County, Arizona Study of Child Maltreatment Risk Among Adolescent Mothers, 1976-1978", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/5XAQ1L, Data Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention, Sociometrics Corporation
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the incidence of child maltreatment was higher among natural children born to adolescent mothers, compared to that obtained for children born to post-adolescent women. Data are based on the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse C...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
Human Sciences Research Council, 2022, "Omnibus February [South Africa], 1995 (M881V1)", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KGKPS0, South African Data Archive
ABSTRACT:An omnibus survey is done quarterly and its purpose is to give clients an opportunity to participate in a national survey at low cost. A number of clients’ questions are combined into one questionnaire. This questionnaire is usually administered to probability sample of...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
Field Research Corporation., 2022, "California Poll: 7802 -- February 11-23, 1978", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KWJIBG, University of California, Berkeley. UC Data Archive and Technical Assistance.
The Field Poll, established in 1945 as The California Poll by Mervin Field, has operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service. Each year the Field Polls cover a wide range of political and social topics examining California pub...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
India. Institute of Public Opinion, 2022, "All-India Political Poll, 1964 (M225V1)", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/TNPQY7, Institute for Social Science Research. Social Science Data Archive.
The study addresses itself to three types of questions. 1) Attitudes toward particular groups, such as major opposition parties, army (army rule), popular government, etc; 2) how widespread are attitudes toward society and 3) what can be said about people who hold these attitudes...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
U.S. Bureau of the Census; Paul Ong, 1988, "Census of Population and Housing, 1940-1980 (U.S.): Standardized File Prepared by Paul Ong", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/JS9NP1, Institute for Social Science Research , Data Archives
This study of trends in California from 1940 to 1980 fills in some of the information voids for this period. It is based on data from, the U.S. Decennial Census micro data for 1940 and 1950, better known as the Public Use Microdata Samples or "PUMS" data. Variables, variable name...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
Fundacao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia E Estatistica. Brazil., 1980, "Population Census of Brazil, 1980", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/EUHRSR, Fundacao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia E Estatistica
The data is taken from the 1980 Census. Socio-economic terms were obtained from the 25% sample and are stored in Stock Data from the IBGE. There are two IBGE prepared samples, 25% and 3% NOTE: ALL documentation is in Portuguese.This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
South Africa. Statistics South Africa, 2003, "Labour Force Survey [South Africa], March 2003", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KEWEDX, South African Data Archive
The Labour Force Survey is a twice-yearly rotating panel household survey, specifically designed to measure the dynamics of employment and unemployment in the country. It plans to measure a variety of issues related to the labour market, including unemployment rates (official and...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
Jackson, A.J., 2022, "Determinants of Occupational Status and Mobility in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, 1971-1974: Phase I and Pilot I Data Files (M455V1)", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/R4REOW, University of Essex. Economic and Social Research Center
To ascertain answers to such questions as whether societies are becoming more or less equal, whether they are expanding or restricting opportunity for their citizens and whether are expanding or retricting opportunity for their citizens and whether they are offering the kinds of...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 13, 2020
Mileti, Dennis, 2022, "Parkfield Earthquake Prediction, Spring 1989: Taft (M1096C)", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/UAYOAQ, Social Science Data Archive
A model of public perception and response to communication about natural hazards risk was constructed. It was estimated on data from samples of households in three communities at risk in the Parkfield earthquake prediction experiment. Estimated model parameters revealed consisten...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |