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JPEG Image - 9.3 MB - MD5: 7e9914acd82a2c6d929df3f97b67dcd4
model/obj - 35.7 MB - MD5: caff4e5dff09d4b59b9237cbe4679957
Unknown - 6.8 MB - MD5: 069be3e0fd419592af486304a5b3fce1
JPEG Image - 19.0 MB - MD5: 69bfe3da869f7ccd77d31f5680a55761
Unknown - 43 B - MD5: ca38889c3287ea6e1e36172b172c9c13
JPEG Image - 11.4 MB - MD5: 19cfd454cb1b498b8aeb99ad8417d6ee
model/obj - 22.3 MB - MD5: 24ccca86adac5e0e9c24e087cc204d79
STL Format - 55.4 MB - MD5: 2520d944ea9f0f12f5f92d2a95e63808
STL Format - 55.4 MB - MD5: f1e2117304a92817019aa8bc6c64b7ca
Mar 17, 2023 - First Kings of Europe: Exhibition Catalog
Gyucha, Attila; Parkinson, William A., 2023, "Stag appliqué - Catalog No. 101",, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Based on the apparent similarity to the stag-shaped appliqué from Zöldhalompuszta (Catalog No. 100), the electrum appliqué from Tápiószentmárton might have belonged to a person of exceptional social status. It is possible that the object was found in a tumulus, but its precise fi...
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