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JPEG Image - 9.1 MB - MD5: 5ffeb1db36a7c31f6ac855a7109f3ab2
Unknown - 98 B - MD5: 6fb9272ed2def6d9f501ef015a02bfef
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Unknown - 5.0 MB - MD5: c03704f3fbc383d870ae5ef3592c2e88
STL Format - 43.1 MB - MD5: 704dd7120f8486168cef24ef3870584b
JPEG Image - 11.0 MB - MD5: f6cc1355d4aa3f45f4a00a97809140d9
Mar 17, 2023 - First Kings of Europe: Exhibition Catalog
Gyucha, Attila; Parkinson, William A., 2023, "Stag appliqué - Catalog No. 100",, UCLA Dataverse, V1
This golden appliqué came from the burial mound of a member of the Iron Age elite of the eastern Carpathian Basin. In terms of style and design, the best analogies for the object are from the tombs of Scythian rulers recovered beneath large burial mounds in the Pontic steppe and...
Unknown - 32.3 MB - MD5: c14aef8779641f0020e23d235e4560c4
Unknown - 23.0 MB - MD5: fe54c9116a4b7674e3931c4909010d04
HTML - 11.8 KB - MD5: c6119d918edb093ff3d1106056ae7a95
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