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391 to 400 of 1,456 Results
Mar 10, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Wake, Thomas A.; Bishop, Katelyn J.; Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data Record 14.3 - Birds at Paso de la Amada Classified as Arboreal, Ground, Wading, and Swimming",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:esuca1MdGtYCTASYouMjVg== [fileUNF]
Reference collection of birds at Paso de la Amada.
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Wake, Thomas A.; Bishop, Katelyn J.; Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data Record 14.2 - Distribution of Eleotridae (sleepers) Cranial, Near-Cranial, and Postcranial Elements in the Paso de la Amada Assemblage",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:SSZg69/MxgYNcf320zJ4QA== [fileUNF]
Table of Eleotridae (sleepers) faunal bones from Paso de la Amada. Asterisks in table described below: *Near cranial bones probably would have been removed with cranial bones if head was separated from body in processing. **Average of the number of vertebrae between all Eleotrida...
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data record 12.1 - Pebble Polishers and Smoothers",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:+U2O3WrmssKJpA8z5KZ08w== [fileUNF]
Expected counts are calculated in the same way as described for Table 12.3. Not included here is the pecking-polishing stone listed in Table 12.4.
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G.; Demattè, Paola, 2021, "Data Record 11.1 - Disk-Shaped Beads",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:TmEIQvOfhjO20S6ygaSH7g== [fileUNF]
Disk shaped beads recovered from Paso de la Amada
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G., 2021, "Data Record 4.1 - Units and Lots of Large Refuse Features in Mound 12 with Comments on Noteworthy Finds",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:g+U1uJGXJaLvhbDBJtNkKQ== [fileUNF]
Units and lots of large refuse features from Mound 12, includes comments on noteworthy finds.
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G.; Blake, Michael, 2021, "Data Record 2.2 - Lumped Refuse Samples by Phase",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:JdxlAfCLAG2WowKqLTrQRQ== [fileUNF]
In this table the total sample of sherds recovered is broken down according to level of analysis. At levels below A, the full dataset is larger than the value listed because it includes also the levels above. For example, the full Level C dataset includes 42,140 rims (= 8,962 + 9...
Mar 8, 2021 - Paso de la Amada Dataverse
Lesure, Richard G.; Blake, Michael, 2021, "Data Record 2.1 - Initial Refuse Samples with Associated Information",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:3Q6zd7oJ1nR9plArV13DHQ== [fileUNF]
Analyzable spreadsheet with the slightly pruned set of Initial Refuse Samples used in analyses, particularly for Chapters 19 and 25.
Paso de la Amada Dataverse(University of California, Los Angeles)
Paso de la Amada Dataverse logo
Mar 8, 2021DIG Dataverse
Paso de la Amada, an archaeological site in the Soconusco region of the Pacific coast of Mexico, was among the earliest sedentary, ceramic-using villages of Mesoamerica. With an occupation that extended across 140 ha in 1600 BC, it was also one of the largest communities of its e...
DIG Dataverse(University of California, Los Angeles)
DIG Dataverse logo
Mar 8, 2021
DIG (Digital Information Gateway) is an initiative to sustainably archive and provide access to data associated with archaeological publications from the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. We aim to share digital publications and data and to expand citation practices within t...
Feb 12, 2021 - YINGDI LUO Dataverse
LUO, YINGDI, 2021, "Simulation results of 3D ETS (Episodic Tremor and Slow-slip) asperity-in-matrix model using QDYN earthquake simulator",, UCLA Dataverse, V2
This data set contains simulation results of 3D ETS asperity-in-matrix model of Matlab .mat files for Luo, Y., and Liu, Z. (2021) Fault Zone Heterogeneities Explain Depth-dependent Pattern and Evolution of Slow Earthquakes in Cascadia, Nature Communications. It is generated by QD...
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