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5,681 to 5,690 of 5,752 Results
May 5, 2024 - Global Atmospheric Rivers Dataverse
GUAN, BIN, 2024, "[Code] Tracking Atmospheric Rivers Globally as Elongated Targets (tARget), Version 4",, UCLA Dataverse, V2
[Code] Tracking Atmospheric Rivers Globally as Elongated Targets (tARget), Version 4
Plain Text - 2.7 KB - MD5: 22f6ccb1536bb1354d362b67a7eb3030
May 3, 2024
Sarmiento, Alexandra; Madugo, Danielle; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Shen, Andi; Mazzoni, Silvia; Lavrentiadis, Grigorios; Dawson, Timothy; Madugo, Christopher; Kottke, Albert; Thompson, Stephen; Baize, Stephane; Milliner, Christopher; Nurminen, Fiia; Boncio, Paolo; Visini, Francesco, 2024, "Flatifiles and Related Digital Products for the Fault Displacement Hazard Initiative Database",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:2sv0MVc9ruU9fkh0DYfAzw== [fileUNF]
The contents of the Fault Displacement Hazard Initiative (FDHI) Database are provided as set of flatfiles in three formats as a convenience to end-users: comma-separated (CSV) files, Esri shapefiles, and Google Earth KMZ files. Each format contains separate files for different da...
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 50.6 KB - MD5: 1960011fb886033cb5e8c7608ebb1749
This file defines the columns in the measurements, ruptures, and ECS files.
Tabular Data - 31.6 MB - 136 Variables, 32373 Observations - UNF:6:B1i+sGzJiIpwenWucv/eww==
Fault displacement measurement data and metadata in CSV format.
Tabular Data - 228.4 MB - 31 Variables, 763691 Observations - UNF:6:R7+VJN8WSNhh5zw610aWtA==
Mapped surface rupture data and metadata in CSV format.
Tabular Data - 4.8 MB - 17 Variables, 39123 Observations - UNF:6:cGxIxEUlZAkEW8a7bb8i4w==
Event coordinate system reference lines and metadata in CSV format.
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 7.9 MB - MD5: 62c0f61741acea4870f4d8f623cf54dd
Fault displacement measurement data and metadata in Esri shapefile format.
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 9.4 MB - MD5: 2e2e2301814d87ebc2fcb066f4a057e9
Mapped surface rupture data and metadata in Esri shapefile format.
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 404.0 KB - MD5: 9a3b23b3c0a012f394517b3b4c60651c
Event coordinate system data and metadata in Esri shapefile format.
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