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DIG Dataverse(University of California, Los Angeles)
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Mar 8, 2021
DIG (Digital Information Gateway) is an initiative to sustainably archive and provide access to data associated with archaeological publications from the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. We aim to share digital publications and data and to expand citation practices within t...
Feb 12, 2021 - YINGDI LUO Dataverse
LUO, YINGDI, 2021, "Simulation results of 3D ETS (Episodic Tremor and Slow-slip) asperity-in-matrix model using QDYN earthquake simulator",, UCLA Dataverse, V2
This data set contains simulation results of 3D ETS asperity-in-matrix model of Matlab .mat files for Luo, Y., and Liu, Z. (2021) Fault Zone Heterogeneities Explain Depth-dependent Pattern and Evolution of Slow Earthquakes in Cascadia, Nature Communications. It is generated by QD...
Plain Text - 1.1 KB - MD5: b34cfaf1a339cb6c095cbde5e7588d75
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