1,271 to 1,280 of 1,455 Results
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Field Research Corporation., 2011, "California Poll: 2000-03 -- June 8-18, 2000", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/CP2000P2000-03, Harvard Dataverse
The Field Poll, established in 1945 as The California Poll by Mervin Field, has operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service. Each year the Field Polls cover a wide range of political and social topics examining California pub...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Olivier, J. L.; Schutte, C.; van der Walt, H. S., 2017, "Youth Omnibus February [South Africa], 1993 (M873V1)", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/M873V1, Harvard Dataverse
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to obtain information on South African youth on a wide-range of areas. Becides the basic biographical data (racial group, sex, race, education, income, language, occupation, etc.), the study includes three main sections: A) Biographical info...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Field Research Corporation., 2011, "California Poll: 9103 -- September 19-25, 1991", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/CP9100P9103, Harvard Dataverse
The Field Poll, established in 1945 as The California Poll by Mervin Field, has operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service. Each year the Field Polls cover a wide range of political and social topics examining California pub...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Holman, Eric W., 2017, "Folk and Scientific Classifications of Animals and Plants (M790V1)", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/M790V1, Harvard Dataverse
This study contains folk classification of animals and plants. Each data set has two parts. The first part is a scientific classification of families into orders, classes and divisions. The second part is a set of 21 folk classifications matched to scientific classifications up t...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
University of California, Los Angeles. Institute for Social Science Research., 2011, "Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Surveys [LAMAS] 5, 1972", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/M269V1P5, Harvard Dataverse
The Los Angeles Metropolitan Areas Studies (LAMAS) were conducted ten times between 1970 and 1976. The goal of the LAMAS studies is the development of a set of standard community profile measures appropriate for use in the planning and evaluation of public policy. In addition, in...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Rosina Becerra, 2012, "Study of Hispanic Veterans, 1978", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/M031V1, Harvard Dataverse
The purpose of this project was to provide the Veterans Administration with accurate, scientifically-derived information. The proposed expansion of Veterans Administration health service into barrios and areas of high-concentration Hispanic populations in Los Angeles required tha...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Field Research Corporation., 2011, "California Poll: 9304 -- October 8-15, 1993", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/CP9300P9304, Harvard Dataverse
The Field Poll, established in 1945 as The California Poll by Mervin Field, has operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service. Each year the Field Polls cover a wide range of political and social topics examining California pub...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Field Research Corporation., 2011, "California Poll: 9303 -- August 12-18, 1993", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/CP9300P9303, Harvard Dataverse
The Field Poll, established in 1945 as The California Poll by Mervin Field, has operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service. Each year the Field Polls cover a wide range of political and social topics examining California pub...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Field Research Corporation., 2011, "California Poll: 9203 -- May 6-9, 1992", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/CP9200P9203, Harvard Dataverse
The Field Poll, established in 1945 as The California Poll by Mervin Field, has operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service. Each year the Field Polls cover a wide range of political and social topics examining California pub...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |
Apr 23, 2019 - Social Science Data Archive
Field Research Corporation., 2011, "California Poll: 9801 -- January 29 - February 2, 1998", https://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/CP9800P9801, Harvard Dataverse
The Field Poll, established in 1945 as The California Poll by Mervin Field, has operated continuously as an independent, non-partisan, media-sponsored public opinion news service. Each year the Field Polls cover a wide range of political and social topics examining California pub...This Dataset is harvested from our partners. Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data. |