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15,111 to 15,120 of 16,528 Results
Oct 14, 2021 - Portfolio catalogue
JPEG Image - 930.5 KB - MD5: a5bdb2401bf3d1cc75ce22dd36b79059
Oct 14, 2021 - Portfolio catalogue
JPEG Image - 963.3 KB - MD5: 6809bcc8a1fa821b4b3403aff9bd9dbc
Oct 14, 2021 - Portfolio catalogue
JPEG Image - 1007.7 KB - MD5: 1b295f15cbdcf05ec5007197846e7c31
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Field Catalogue: 1979 excavation season",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:A+N4mDr+aEnhfXQs301Qpw== [fileUNF]
Excavation catalog for the 1979 field season at Grotta Scaloria
Tabular Data - 36.0 MB - 12 Variables, 1048575 Observations - UNF:6:A+N4mDr+aEnhfXQs301Qpw==
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Raw data from the 1980 lithic study",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:IRgfFtEJdoBzE/F03Iy6HQ== [fileUNF]
Raw data from the 1980 lithic study
Tabular Data - 118.5 KB - 28 Variables, 1067 Observations - UNF:6:IRgfFtEJdoBzE/F03Iy6HQ==
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Prehistoric Animal Remains from Grotta Scaloria- Raw Data",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:GHIasPXOHtvwj+FqjA0asg== [fileUNF]
Raw data of animal remains from Grotta Scaloria exavation
Tabular Data - 296.2 KB - 15 Variables, 2069 Observations - UNF:6:GHIasPXOHtvwj+FqjA0asg==
Oct 14, 2021 - Images in Action Dataverse
Isbell, William H.; Uribe, Mauricio I.; Tiballi, Anne; Edward P. Zegarra, 2021, "Visual database",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:exGu/0HRHT3Ck5Kgss8m/g== [fileUNF]
Emanating from a colloquium in pre-Columbian art and archaeology held at the University of Chile in Santiago, Images in Action presents interpretations of a large corpus of art and iconography from the Southern and South-Central Andes, bringing together some of the most esteemed...
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