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241 to 250 of 331 Results
Oct 22, 2021 - Replication data for: "Microcontinent Breakup and Links to Possible Plate Boundary Reorganization in the Northern Gulf of California, México"
Higa, Justin T.; Brown, Nathan D.; Argueta, Marina O.; Moon, Seulgi, 2021, "OSL results",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:OJChI49W9tXbxVg6z8za+A== [fileUNF]
Dosimetry data, equivalent doses, and single grain post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (p-IR IRSL) ages from "Microcontinent Breakup and Links to Possible Plate Boundary Reorganization in the Northern Gulf of California, México". Also shown in Table S2 of publication's...
Oct 19, 2021 - Bikeri Dataverse
Richard W. Yerkes, 2021, "Appendix VI. Descriptions of features at Körösladány-Bikeri",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:9tdTIt8+fyEJMu1oGoveIg== [fileUNF]
Descriptions of features at Körösladány-Bikeri
Oct 19, 2021 - Bikeri Dataverse
Richard W. Yerkes, 2021, "Appendix V. Descriptions of features at Vésztő-Bikeri",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:LWcKoNXInPXOOR4tnP6RSA== [fileUNF]
Descriptions of features at Vésztő-Bikeri
Oct 19, 2021 - Bikeri Dataverse
Richard W. Yerkes, 2021, "Appendix IV. Early Copper Age Features from Vésztő-Bikeri and Körösladány-Bikeri",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:M/6noI51RoqJVhp8xLruFw== [fileUNF]
Early Copper Age Features from Vésztő-Bikeri and Körösladány-Bikeri
Oct 19, 2021 - Bikeri Dataverse
Richard W. Yerkes, 2021, "Appendix III. Descriptions of cultural layers and feature fill at Körösladány-Bikeri",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:SHGf0vBfzNPbtLLPWykTVw== [fileUNF]
Descriptions of cultural layers and feature fill at Körösladány-Bikeri
Oct 19, 2021 - Bikeri Dataverse
Richard W. Yerkes, 2021, "Appendix II. Descriptions of cultural layers and feature fills at Vésztő-Bikeri",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:GmcQCRDfR0Dp/s+BItydJw== [fileUNF]
Descriptions of cultural layers and feature fills at Vésztő-Bikeri
Oct 19, 2021 - Bikeri Dataverse
Tod A. Frolking, 2021, "Appendix I. Particle-size data from pipette analyses of selected samples from the Bikeri area, the Sebes-Körös floodplain near Vésztő-Mágor and the town of Körösladány, and the surrounding area",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:XyasCfgtW1zCiCvrJf6xfQ== [fileUNF]
Particle-size analyses for a sequence of cores taken across the first abandoned meander to the west of Körösladány.
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Quagliati, Quintino; Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "L’Eneolitico di Manfredonia nella Grotta di ‘Occhiopinto’",, UCLA Dataverse, V1
A summary of the excavation work conducted under the direction of Quintino Quagliati after the discovery of Grotta Scaloria in 1931.
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Winn, Shan M. M.; Shimabuku, Daniel M.; Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "The Heritage of Two Subsistence Strategies",, UCLA Dataverse, V1
The Heritage of Two Subsistence Strategies: Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Grotta Scaloria, Southeastern Italy, 1978. Dr. Winn was the field director for the excavation and affiliated with the University of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Shimabuku served as research advisor...
Oct 14, 2021 - The Archaeology of Grotta Scaloria Dataverse
Tinè, Santo; Isetti, Eugenia; Elster, Ernestine S., 2021, "Cult of the Waters",, UCLA Dataverse, V1
“Culto Neolitico delle Acque e Recenti Scavi nella Grotta Scaloria” in Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana
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