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11 to 20 of 3,916 Results
MATLAB Figure - 987.2 KB - MD5: 5d515250f156a4b2a51949ebcbfe15a4
MATLAB Figure - 644.1 KB - MD5: d94e1c0a1084157fecec23a105742376
MATLAB Data - 9.7 MB - MD5: 25ec94806b92295749ea3ab07370a1c6
Processed data used in all aspects of NARX flux model creation (training, validation, tests). The flux values are in flux_cell as a MATLAB cell. The input data is in X_cell as a MATLAB cell. Time is in time as a MATLAB array. The network is a MATLAB object, netc_best. The input d...
MATLAB Data - 1.2 KB - MD5: a4737a560c8e6378683eb191d80f0657
Input delay (input_delay), feedback delay (feedback_delay) and hidden neurons (hidden_neurons) test results for NARX flux model are in corresponded MALTAB structures.
Plain Text - 23.3 KB - MD5: 01dbdb2664aa7912cae4882697b6f92f
References cited text file for citations included in OSM 3.0.
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