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HTML - 11.8 KB - MD5: a74612b65d651eda53a3d2ad51caad60
Mar 17, 2023 - Hydria - Catalog No. 102
HTML - 11.8 KB - MD5: 5bfe0f0d4f386e9b09aa4d13a425d8ca
Plain Text - 259 B - MD5: f6dd44e341b427bfdf11db9bc419f4ec
Plain Text - 1.6 KB - MD5: 391428071b16922b1b735744980c4dbb
Dec 9, 2022 - Mycology_DCDP_dataset
Plain Text - 631 B - MD5: 16900201107b8f3426dddab62f67fcf2
Description of values for variable fields in the final_mycology_dcdp dataset.
Plain Text - 1.2 KB - MD5: 2cad72419669510fb87b4ec534138b60
Plain Text - 112 B - MD5: 4880dcd322a86f54f3d8dea7c5362de4
Plain Text - 1.3 KB - MD5: c0dc4e6e5179cf9b33f2f28cf3f12123
Plain Text - 119 B - MD5: 5f9c3e4d5fd6729342ad9ee66dfba877
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