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11 to 20 of 3,495 Results
Adobe PDF - 85.1 KB - MD5: d3ab43c2829a2b6ad9ef7ee71c895e28
Adobe PDF - 109.2 KB - MD5: 2b0aa41a94ce6b0b79e6b32d7c14b91f
Adobe PDF - 77.6 KB - MD5: 8a6544c542ac633a135907e5453e4c0f
MS Word - 1.0 MB - MD5: b3789666309a729d768ba99a05a50ac6
The knitted R markdown file showing the code and complete output for the analysis in our manuscript, with some edits to fix formatting and language.
R Notebook - 72.5 KB - MD5: 5cbbcc581cd78c4340d96c729f8b7919
The original R markdown document.
Adobe PDF - 120.3 KB - MD5: 80ba54fa598db182225c96f7b766d887
Redacted copy of our survey questions.
MS Word - 86.4 KB - MD5: d4b87bce9cfffb298f2174009dde0472
Statistics on grouping and independence of population groupings
MS Word - 101.7 KB - MD5: b2f8f9af9c7e4a643aa0ec258216c275
Free response question coding
JPEG-2000 Image - 301.6 MB - MD5: 9cb708cee7cfc4c663cf8d42b3ec53aa
Diviner rock abundance at slope-adjusted midnight (±180˚ longitude, ±70˚ latitude, 128 pixels-per-degree). Integer JP2 (SCALING_FACTOR = 0.001, OFFSET = 0).
TIFF Image - 3.1 GB - MD5: 079fd1c1fa32b858ab8c8534be0ff122
Diviner rock abundance at slope-adjusted midnight (±180˚ longitude, ±70˚ latitude, 128 pixels-per-degree). Floating-point GeoTIFF.
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