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221 to 230 of 263 Results
Comma Separated Values - 46.1 KB - MD5: 16f48747597e141b7eb74b75c9ad2d56
Jul 14, 2020
MAYEDA, ELIZABETH ROSE; MOBLEY, TAYLOR M.; WEISS, ROBERT E.; MURCHLAND, AUDREY R.; BERKMAN, LISA F.; SABBATH, ERIKA L., 2020, "Association of work-family experience with mid- and late-life memory decline in US women - Supplementary File",, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Supplemental file for manuscript "Association of work-family experience with mid- and late-life memory decline in US women"
Jun 16, 2020
GRISHAM, WILLIAM, 2020, "Brain Volume Fractions Across Mammals with Relation to Behavior in Carnivores, Primates, Ungulates, and Rodents Data",, UCLA Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:MKxiVT7ZpgfL5UDZCvh0Xw== [fileUNF]
These are the data that were used in the analyses for the article, “Brain Volume Fractions Across Mammals with Relation to Behavior in Carnivores, Primates, Ungulates, and Rodents,” in Brain, Behavior, and Evolution (in press, 2020). These data consist of a list of the species us...
Tabular Data - 12.0 KB - 11 Variables, 61 Observations - UNF:6:MKxiVT7ZpgfL5UDZCvh0Xw==
Plain Text - 3.5 KB - MD5: ba9ef2b9ee01af3118902d665759995d
Read Me for accompanying data set
Jun 9, 2020 - test after aws move
JAMISON, JINA, 2020, "direct upload test DEM",, UCLA Dataverse, V3
test upload of dem file
Jun 9, 2020 - direct upload test DEM
ZIP Archive - 69.1 MB - MD5: b77b5eb3fa1e46d0a5be88493348fc2b
geodatabase test file
Jun 6, 2020 - direct upload test DEM
TIFF Image - 24.8 MB - MD5: a4481ee5f65798db842404e38b4b0a7a
Jun 3, 2020 - TIMOTHY TANGHERLINI Dataverse
TANGHERLINI, TIMOTHY; Roychowdhury, Vwani, 2020, "Replication Data for: An automated pipeline for the discovery of conspiracy and conspiracy theory narrative frameworks",, UCLA Dataverse, V1
Data for the paper, "An automated pipeline for the discovery of conspiracy and conspiracy theory narrative frameworks: Bridgegate, Pizzagate and storytelling on the web." The data consists of comments and posts to discussion forums related to the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, and...
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