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11 to 20 of 3,550 Results
Jul 26, 2023 - UCLA Law COVID Behind Bars Data Project
DOLOVICH, SHARON, 2022, "Covid-19 Related Immigration Filings",, UCLA Dataverse, V2
Early in the pandemic, Theresa Cheng and Joanne Choi joined the project as co-leads of our Immigration Detention Team. In addition to tracking COVID cases and deaths in ICE facilities (an effort that has since been folded into our core data collection: https://uclacovidbehindbars...
Comma Separated Values - 8.1 KB - MD5: 631efa90e07939bfd3010d447a1e0222
Adobe PDF - 85.1 KB - MD5: d3ab43c2829a2b6ad9ef7ee71c895e28
Jul 26, 2023 - UCLA Law COVID Behind Bars Data Project
DOLOVICH, SHARON, 2022, "COVID-19 Visitation Policy by State (Prisons)",, UCLA Dataverse, V3
This data set was originally just a list created by Keegan Hawkins UCLAW ’21, in early March 2020 when prison systems around the country began to cancel visits. When we launched our open-source spreadsheet, this tab sat alongside Correctional Population Reduction Requests. We ult...
Adobe PDF - 109.2 KB - MD5: 2b0aa41a94ce6b0b79e6b32d7c14b91f
Jul 25, 2023 - UCLA Law COVID Behind Bars Data Project
DOLOVICH, SHARON; PALMER, JORDAN, 2022, "Covid-19 Fundraisers and Mutual Aid Efforts",, UCLA Dataverse, V4, UNF:6:fiPfjoFyKMguXjOSpPWJGQ== [fileUNF]
This data set was initially launched by Jordan Palmer, UCLAW 2021, who served as the first team lead of our Grassroots and Other Organizing Team. In investigating grassroots actions undertaken by incarcerated people and their loved ones and communities to draw attention to the pl...
Adobe PDF - 77.6 KB - MD5: 8a6544c542ac633a135907e5453e4c0f
Mar 14, 2023 - UCLA Science Libraries Research Projects
ALI, IBRAHEEM; Jason Burton; Wynn Tranfield, 2022, "Assessing the publishing priorities and preferences among STEM researchers at UCLA",, UCLA Dataverse, V2
This dataverse contains data and code used to generate the statistics and data visualizations underlying a research study focusing on assessing the publishing priorities and preferences among STEM researchers at UCLA.
MS Word - 1.0 MB - MD5: b3789666309a729d768ba99a05a50ac6
The knitted R markdown file showing the code and complete output for the analysis in our manuscript, with some edits to fix formatting and language.
R Notebook - 72.5 KB - MD5: 5cbbcc581cd78c4340d96c729f8b7919
The original R markdown document.
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